We are proud to have Katahdin Hair Sheep, KHSI Registered, with parents with high Index NSIP Numbers. This breed is hardy, requires no shearing and has been bred for early shedding, bred for little to no hoof trimming requirements, early muscling, heat tolerant, good mothering and lambing abilities, good milking, disease and parasite resistance. All are biosecurity tested yearly, and negative for CAE Cl, Johne's, Brucellosis, Q Fever, and OPP. Ram is RR as are most ewes and some also sired by USD102 by the Arkansas Parasite Research Facility. 50k genotyped tested and most 1 TMEM 1,4 or 1,1 so less susceptible to OPP and always passess on a gene for being less susceptible.
Add yourself to our waiting list to be informed once lambs are born! Waiting lists are not a guarantee of availability or reservation, it is merely a way for us to inform you of the birth of our lambs. Once you select your lamb(s), we will be able to reserve them for you. Lambs will be ready to go home at approximately 12 weeks of age, dependent on weaning, ensuring they have the best success once home. Sheep are flock animals and must have a buddy. It is a requirement that lambs are purchased in two or more, or buyer must already have sheep at home as companions.
We will give you an estimated date for pickup. If lambs are not picked up within 2 weeks of us informing you that they are ready to go home (generally around 12 weeks old), we will forfeit your right to the sheep purchase and offer to another buyer. Drop off is occasionally available in Southern California for an additional fee. At pickup, lambs will already have tails docked (not applicable for Katahdin sheep), CD/T vaccines, proper worming if applicable, wethered if applicable, and hooves trimmed.
For our Katahdins, they are part of the Katahdin Hair Sheep International Registration. Fees include registration and transfer to your name at the time of sale. Certificates will be mailed to your home after picking up sheep. Future eligibility to registration is not guaranteed, as guidelines and requirements are subject to change with registries.
Note: Fees for ram lambs intended for future breeding includes testing for RR at Codon 171 with test results certificate.
2025 Katahdin Lamb Prices:
Ewes: 350-450 registered
Rams: 650 registered
Wethers: 250 unregistered